More languages | Dedicated Translators

Hilo Friends!

If you haven't noticed we will be posting the official patch notes in multiple languages. Every post will follow the one format to keep neatness.
With all this said, we will be asking for volunteer translators to keep up with the future patch notes.

Forum Translator Role:

  • Translate Patchnotes
  • Follow format found on english notes
  • Post patchnotes in proper language channel
Anyone selected to translate for us will receive a fancy translator role and Forum Crew role on the official discord.

If you are interested please follow this format and reply to this announcement:

Can you read and write in English?: (Yes/No)

What language would you translate for:

English and Forum word for the language:
(English | Not English)
Ex. Spanish | Español

What is your availability:


Discord User#:
Ex. Crimsoku#4117

Please note, this is a voluntary position. If you are applying for this, it's because you love the game and would love to help out :)

Much love
Last edited:
Can you read and write in English?: YES

What language would you translate for: PT-BR

English and Forum word for the language:
English | Português

What is your availability: At night or morning depends of the day

Timezone: GMT- 3

Discord User#:

Hilo Friends!

If you haven't noticed we will be posting the official patch notes in multiple languages. Every post will follow the one format to keep neatness.
With all this said, we will be asking for volunteer translators to keep up with the future patch notes.

Forum Translator Role:

  • Translate Patchnotes
  • Follow format found on english notes
  • Post patchnotes in proper language channel
Anyone selected to translate for us will receive a fancy translator role and Forum Crew role on the official discord.

If you are interested please follow this format and reply to this announcement:

Please note, this is a voluntary position. If you are applying for this, it's because you love the game and would love to help out :)

Much love
That’s pretty awesome love those effort you guys put it for us.