How long did it take for you to close the pass?


Aug 23, 2021
Reaction score
Sköll Einherjar,
I made this post on the forum in Portuguese, but I think it's fair to post here.
  • Do you already close the pass ?
  • How long did it take you ?
  • What is the best method to level up ?
  • What have you been doing after the pass ?
See you in Midgard.
It seems that the 1st pass was done in 90-100 hours of playing, for most of players who never abused on the early exp cheat.
I'm actually level 48 with 93.6 hours of gameplay.

I think I will focus on unlocking the last class I don't have : Sentinel.
Spamming Fenrir rush is fine because you get a good amount of exp for 1hour of play (if you do it in 6 days obviously), but if you want a lot of exp and have 3 hours try to reach the 16th day and more. It will give you even more exp, but the last days it's not really fun to play because most of achievments are done in less than 10 days, and you have to defend the village.

So it's up to you to choose between long run or quick and efficient runs. I mainly play in 4man group when I don't go solo.
I’m level 50 - took about 80-90 hours. Honestly doing solo survival mode to day 60 dying, then again to day 100 gave me a huuuuge amount of experience. That mixed with regularly grouping up and doing day 20+ saga runs is what shot me to 50.
Now I hop on and just socialize or go into random games and help people with achievements and give info to newer players
I'm not even at 50 yet, possibly because I keep going between PC and PS5 though 🤷‍♂️
It seems that the 1st pass was done in 90-100 hours of playing, for most of players who never abused on the early exp cheat.
I'm actually level 48 with 93.6 hours of gameplay.

I think I will focus on unlocking the last class I don't have : Sentinel.
Spamming Fenrir rush is fine because you get a good amount of exp for 1hour of play (if you do it in 6 days obviously), but if you want a lot of exp and have 3 hours try to reach the 16th day and more. It will give you even more exp, but the last days it's not really fun to play because most of achievments are done in less than 10 days, and you have to defend the village.

So it's up to you to choose between long run or quick and efficient runs. I mainly play in 4man group when I don't go solo
Thank you for sharing very useful
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